by Sarah Orchard | Free and low cost marketing ideas, Marketing promotions, Marketing tips, Our news, Small business marketing
Recently I blogged about ways you can use business anniversaries or milestones as a great way to promote your small business. I asked for your suggestions and the winner of some rather nice champers for his suggestion is Paul Nathonson of Surrey based, PNPR. Paul and...
by Sarah Orchard | Free and low cost marketing ideas, Marketing and the law, Marketing promotions, Marketing tips, Online marketing, Social Media
Do you use Facebook to promote your business? It can be a great way of building awareness and, of course, a really effective way of creating a bigger buzz around your business is to run a competition or promotion. But to do that on Facebook you need to be very careful...
by Sarah Orchard | Marketing promotions, Online marketing, Small business marketing
Groupon and other crowd sourcing and online promotion sites have been getting a fair amount press coverage over the last few years. But, looking beyond the hype and the desire to be part of the latest ‘big thing’, how good is Groupon for marketing your small business?...
by Sarah Orchard | Email marketing, Marketing promotions, Small business marketing, Websites
Landing pages can be the most important pages on your website. They are often forgotten about when developing your email marketing campaigns. The landing page is a dedicated stand-alone page that is hidden to regular visitors to your website. It is only visible to...
by Sarah Orchard | Marketing promotions, Marketing tips, Small business marketing
We all know that we listen to recommendation from other people much more than paid for advertising. Especially since we are bombarded with so many marketing messages every day. If someone has experienced somewhere or something first hand we trust their opinion....
by Sarah Orchard | Free and low cost marketing ideas, Marketing promotions, Marketing tips, Small business marketing
There are many different types of promotional tactics and these can be targeted at end consumers/clients, staff or your distribution channel – retailers and intermediaries. Many businesses immediately resort to price cutting and discounting but there are many...