Marketing your business should be fun, challenging, inspiring and most of all fruitful!

Rural Business Awards Runner up 2019-20 | Ochard Marketing Associates

fruitful marketing for ambitious, smaller businesses


Strategy & Planning

Websites & SEO

Email Marketing

Social Media

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Free marketing advice and tips from my blog

How to quickly build quality Followers on Instagram

Are you using Instagram for your business or struggling to get to grips with how it works? With over 300 million users (70% outside the US) Instagram is definitely a social media platform to be exploited. Here are my top tips to boost your followers and increase engagement. Read more

Love your business and it will shine

Over the years I have met countless business owners. And the ones I enjoy meeting most are those who positively exude passion and energy for their business, are excited and enthusiastic about what the future holds, and simply need an expert marketing guiding hand to help them achieve this precious business vision. Read more

How to use images in your email campaigns to get better results

We all know and appreciate just how important email campaigns can be for a small business communicating with its customers and prospects. Getting the message right, writing great subject lines and giving recipients a reason to open the email is an ongoing challenge… Read more

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