Landing pages can be the most important pages on your website. They are often forgotten about when developing your email marketing campaigns.
The landing page is a dedicated stand-alone page that is hidden to regular visitors to your website. It is only visible to recipients of your email message and navigated to through a unique web page URL (using a hyperlink).
It enables you to present relevant promotional content to the viewer and direct them to the required conversion action. If you have a promotion on specific products or services or say a competition, these can be discreetly shown to the email recipient only. They act as sales pages to convert the sale and get the website visitor to take the required action – submit an email, register, take a free trial!
Your landing pages should feature the same branding, style, copy tone of voice and images as your email campaign, so the viewer is reassured they have navigated to the correct destination.
They can generate higher ROI and enable you to test different landing page content (A/B Testing) and to different segments of your database. This will improve your learning and understanding of what is most effective and works for your target audience.
Try to avoid directing all email campaign links to your HOME page. Embed the links deeper into your website and to dedicated website landing pages to encourage the recipient to engage with your website content for longer and convert. This is most effective, when you try to direct them quickly to the most appropriate pages for them.
The desired call to action and any graphics (use of buttons) should be clear and prominent. Avoid direct words like “Buy Now,” “Add to Cart” or “Subscribe” which can convey a commitment that the visitor may not be ready to take just yet. It can result in lower conversion rates. Instead try a softer call to action like “Register”, “Request a Place”or ‘Try it Now” which can help to move website visitors along your conversion funnel towards your end goal. Obviously, the most effective calls to action are always written without jargon and have no more than 7-12 words.
Go on, give a landing page a try on your next email campaign! You’ll be amazed at the positive results it will have.