If only you could throw more marketing ‘mud’ at the wall, then surely some of it will stick?
Some small business owners get sucked into thinking that it is the quantity of marketing that will get the financial success they dream of, or perhaps just what they need to make a living and pay the mortgage that month.
It’s tempting to think that if you simply throw more marketing ‘mud’, more regularly that some of it will stick and deliver the results you need.
Yes you need to do regular marketing but not necessarily MORE!
More mud is rarely the problem!
The amount of marketing that you create may actually have the opposite effect to the one you desire.
If your marketing is getting poor results, turning up the frequency and amount of your marketing may actually have negative results, as people stop following you on Twitter or unsubscribe from your valuable email database. All working to lessen your ability to market your business effectively.
You may be thinking that “If I send out my special offer again, more people will hear what I have to say and they WILL buy it!’
The reality is that the problem isn’t that people cannot hear your message, it’s that the message might not be compelling enough to capture their attention and motivate them to do something. Shouting louder or more often, simply won’t work.
So if your marketing isn’t working and you need to get different results, you need to do something different.
Getting to grips with the stickability issue
So if people are ignoring your marketing messages you need to ask yourself and answer honestly these questions…
- Is what you are offering genuinely solving a problem, fixing a pain point, satisfying a customer need or desire?
- Is your marketing reaching the right people?
- Are you sending the same message to everyone?
- Is your special offer, really that special? Or a lazy offer that is easy for you to give?
- Are you sending your message using the best methods for your audience?
- Is your marketing message interesting enough, for it to make people take immediate action?
Throwing more mud will not make it stick
More marketing mud annoys people. It hurts your business brand and reputation. So if your marketing is not getting the results you need, revisit your message and who and how you are sending it first, not throw more mud at the problem hoping some might finally stick.
Always make sure you throw the RIGHT mud!