The power of sharing online and email content is now huge.
We all do it, almost without thinking these days. We re-tweet on Twitter, we forward an email, we add to a wish list on Amazon, we bookmark our favourite web pages, we post a picture to Facebook, we share a presentation on LinkedIn, we upload a video to YouTube… need I go on?
The marketing benefit to all small businesses is phenomenal and the easier you make it for your online content to be shared, the better the results.
A really useful and free widget, is called Addtoany, which allows you to share a wide variety of online content with just one click of a button. Making it easy for your website visitor to do some of your marketing effort for you!
Online content is ‘king’ these days and if you have taken time to create valuable and rich website content (like blogs, videos, podcasts, factsheets, whitepapers, etc), make it as easy as possible for your audience to pass on the word about your business.