GoogleGuest blog from Jeremy Nelson-Smith, Internet Marketing Expert.

A lot of people say negative things about Google wanting to dominate the online world, dominate the Universe etc., but on the whole I’m not one of them. When you look at what they provide for free to the small business owner or senior manager it really is quite remarkable.

The latest incarnation of Google Analytics is a case in point. Google Analytics has always been a pretty amazing free tool for businesses of all sizes, particularly small businesses for whom enterprise level analytics tools are too over-size in terms of features and too expensive. However, the latest launch of Google Analytics goes way further than before with some really useful and very cool features to help you in your analysis of exactly what’s happening on your web pages.

For example, how would you like to see how many people are visiting your website in real-time? And see what pages they’re looking at right now? And see what URLs and which countries they are coming from? And what keywords they’re using?

Well, now you can and here’s how:

1. Log in to your Google Analytics account.

2. Make sure you’re using the new version by, if necessary, clicking ‘New Version’ in the top right navigation bar.

3. Click Home in the orange navigation bar.

4. Click Real-Time (Beta) then Overview in the drop down menu.

5. You can get also more detail by clicking on Locations, Traffic Sources and Content in the drop down menu.

Pretty impressive, I think you’ll agree. And pretty useful, particularly if you’re running AdWords campaigns where a real-time view of what’s happening on your pages is really, really helpful in assessing your campaign effectiveness. Thanks Google.

More insights into the new version of Google Analytics coming in Part 2 soon!

Wishing you success with your Internet marketing.