Online marketingAre you spending money to create and promote your website but not getting the results?

Websites cost both significant time and money to create, maintain and constantly develop, and we have them for our businesses for good reason. They need to deliver key marketing activities – list building and data capture, actual product or service sales or new business leads and enquiries.

There is usually a good reason why your website is underperfoming – either one or all of the following may be the issue:

  • Poor user experience;
  • Your messaging doesn’t connect with your desired target audience;
  • Your website visibility is poor.

I work with my clients to help address and improve all of these issues and I’ve developed a handy 5-point Website Usability Checklist to help you kick your website into great shape.

5-Point Website Usability Checklist…

Use this handy checklist to do an in-depth review and evaluation of your current website:

  1. How does it look and feel
    * Does it match your brand guidelines?
    * Does it enhance your brand credibility
    * Are headings, sub-headings and links easy to distinguish?
  2. How it works
    * Is there a version for mobiles?
    * Does the site offer positive interaction with visitors?
    * Does the site contain rich media content?
    * Does the site functionality (members area, account login) work smoothly?
    * Are there any broken links?
  3. Does it work!
    * Is it compatible with all browsers? Have you tested it?
    * Does the site functionality (members area, account login, contact forms) work smoothly?
  4. Getting around (aka your navigation!)
    * Is it clear and intuitive?
    * Does it allow 3-click access to key action-orientated (sales) pages?
    * Are there too many / too few main navigation elements?
    * Is the registration / sign up process easy to follow and
       execute ?
  5. Words & Content
    * Is the text easy to read?
    * Does the content match the target audience expectations?
    * Is there any superfluous content? Get rid of any unnecessary ‘padding’ or space fillers!
    * Is there any content missing that should be included?
    * Do images used support the brand? And are they appropriate?

If you need help with developing your website or would like an objective review of your current website, get in touch. I offer affordable Website Reviews with a comprehensive Action Checklist to get your website delivering fast.